
About us

logonliteracy provides activities that improve students' literacy. It is very important to us that you receive a quality educational product. logonliteracy was established in response to the changing face of education and the need for students to be literate in many contexts. 

If you have further questions about logonliteracy, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Patricia Hipwell 

Pat Hipwell

M. Ed., B. Sc. Econ (Hons), Grad. Dip. of Literacy Ed., P.G.C.E.

Patricia Hipwell has had an extensive teaching and consultancy career. She has worked in several countries and, thus, has a wealth of experience and knowledge on which to draw, when designing literacy strategies and activities. 

As an independent literacy consultant, Patricia delivers literacy professional development to teachers in Australia, and works predominantly in Queensland schools. Patricia has specialised in assisting all teachers to be literacy teachers, especially high school subject specialists who often struggle with what it means to be a content area teacher and a literacy teacher. Assessment has been an area of interest for many years and much of Patricia's work enables teachers to create assessment that is "do-able." Students often have very little idea of what they are required to do and rely heavily on parents/caregivers to assist them.

Patricia's beliefs:

  • Literacy is embedded in everything that we do
  • Literacy is acquired in a variety of situations over a lifetime
  • Teaching literacy is everyone’s business
  • Teachers need a range of practical ideas, strategies and activities
    (grounded in theory) to assist them with teaching literacy in their classrooms
  • The ‘how to’ of literacy teaching is hard to find
  • Strategies must match the targeted skill or practice
  • Parents appreciate ideas and ways of assisting their children’s literacy development at home
  • Making the literacy demands of learning explicit greatly enhances students’ learning
  • Each area of the curriculum has its own specific literacies that must be identified and taught explicitly



Catherine Black 

Catherine Black

Catherine Black is an independent literacy consultant living in northern New South Wales. She specialises in literacy in-service and resources for upper primary and lower secondary teachers of all subject areas. Catherine is a secondary teacher who has taught in Queensland, New South Wales and the United Kingdom.

Catherine believes that literacy is integral to all subject areas. Her aim is to help high school teachers, who traditionally have little training in literacy, to develop strategies to assist their students to come to terms with the literacy demands of their subjects. Catherine is particularly interested in the neglected literacy of listening, and the impact that explicit listening activities has on student success.
